Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Waiting on God

My husband has thought that planting a church would be a good idea for some time now.  And a couple of months ago he felt God confirm this as a God Idea.  He didn't hear an audible voice.  He just knew in his spirit that this was God's leading.

One of the people he has told about our church plant told of a vision from God about our planting a church.  

Meanwhile, I've got nothing!  No vision.  No confirmation in my spirit.  Nothing.  Zilch. Nada.  

So now I we go forward based on my husband's confidence and assurance that God is leading us here?  Do we wait for God to confirm this to me?  If so, how long?  Am I not hearing from God because I am doing something wrong?  

I want to hear from God myself that He is leading us on this journey.  But He may want me to have faith in the husband He has given me.  The second way involves a lot more trust.  Trust in God to lead my husband.  Trust in my husband to hear and follow God's leading.  

And through this journey I'm learning that trust doesn't come easily to me.  I tend to hold back, to protect myself.  I want to learn to trust.  To wholeheartedly abandon myself to God.  Because He is trustworthy.  Even when I am afraid.


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