Monday, November 25, 2013

Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving Break

When I was a child, I couldn't wait for breaks from school. Now that I'm a homeschool teacher, I think that anticipation is even stronger. Finally, after week after consecutive week of school, Thanksgiving break is finally here! We celebrated by sleeping in. It was wonderful to sleep until we woke up and then to be able to just hang around our warm house and listen to the rain.

The introverted side of me would have loved to have been able to stay home all day, but we did have some things that had to be done, so we braved the rain to drop off the 10 Operation Christmas Child boxes our 4-H group donated! Then my dancers and I went to the dance store where we were pleased to discover that everything was on sale. That took a bit of the sting out of buying pointe shoes! Then my girls had Nutcracker practice.
After supper my older girls had Bible study.

We ended our evening with these amazing warm homemade brownies and The Blacklist for all but the youngest two. They enjoyed the privilege of brownies and milk in their room. 

Sometimes I can stress myself out by trying to put too much on my plate over school breaks. This break I am going to allow myself to rest and recharge, knowing that will serve my family more than organizing kitchen cabinets or even cleaning my room. 

Day one of resting was a success.


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