Monday, November 12, 2007

Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me

TC over at Fish in My Hair tagged me for "7 Things About Me," so here goes:

1. For a recent Special Occasion, I made an this Italian Cream Cake with this frosting. From scratch. (But minus the coconut - I'm allergic). It was fabulous, and I may have to invent another Special Occasion so I can make it again.

2. I recently made Hope a dress-up dress that was supposed to resemble the American Girl Elizabeth. I think it turned out pretty good. And Hope really liked it!

3. "Cinderella" by Stephen Curtis Chapman makes me cry! Every time I hear it!

4. I bought my girls the Little People Mayflower to help them learn about the first Thanksgiving. It's very cute, and they are having a fabulous time playing with it!

5. I credit much of my Christian walk and even more of my worship practice to the years I spent attending an incredible weekly worship time/Bible study that Louie Giglio did during my young adult years. Sometimes I still refer to my notes.

6. I don't like coffee. Not even the cool, expensive stuff they sell at MegaBucks. (But I do miss the drinkable chocolate they used to sell! I'm sure I'll be drinking it again in Heaven.)

7. I am an avid and voracious reader! This is evidenced by the SIX bookshelves FULL of books in my home. (And I think we're about ready for another shelf!)

Since this has been around a while, I tag Paul and anyone else who wants to join in.


Jack said...

Seven things I love about Sydney:

1. You love Jesus!
2. You love me!
3. Your are so smart!
4. Pretty has to be in the mix are such a beautiful woman!
5. Our girls would couldn't have a more wonderful mom!
6. Our hearts are together. "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Thank you, Lord!
7. It is fun being with you!

All for His Fame (including our relationship), jack

Anonymous said...

i think you and your readers would really enjoy the new book Brown Like Coffee at

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