Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Little Drama

Day 3 - A Little Drama

Today after I dropped off 2 daughters at church and another at ballet, as I was driving to Little Caesar's for our gourmet dinner,  I saw this through my windshield. (As a responsible driver, I waited for a red light to take the picture!) In the midst of a busy day of teaching my girls and getting them where they all needed to go, I was able to stop for a moment and thank God for some unexpected beauty. 

After a quick trip home, I went up to our church's youth gathering to watch one of my twins in her debut on the youth drama team. She did a great job!  She knew her lines, spoke confidently, and was funny.  So, the speaking-in-public gene seems to be 6 for 6 in our family. 

I am so blessed to watch my two youngest transition from children to youth so gracefully. Even though they are often the youngest students at some of the events, they are involved and enthusiastic. I'm also excited to see how they are both desiring to deepen their walks with the Lord. 

When my eldest entered youth, I was pretty nervous, but with these two, I'm really comfortable. Maybe it's because we've navigated these waters before, Maybe it's because we're in a different place with a smaller group of kids and a youth minister I know personally. But mostly, I think God grows me along with my girls. God prepares all of us for their growth into adulthood. 

Today I see God's grace in His dramatic rainbows, in my daughters' dramatic pursuits, and in the lack of drama we're experiencing in the transition to youth.


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