Since the Cleaning Fairy seems to have lost my address, all the housework is up to me to do or assign. And, since I'm not one of those people who appear to be effortlessly tidy, our house is usually in some degree of disarray.
Sometimes the best way for us to make ourselves do what needs to be done is to invite people over. A very real deadline can motivate me far more than my internal goals for my home. I spread out the cleaning I wanted to do all week, and by the time the youth group came over this evening, our house looked pretty good. (And the messy rooms stayed behind closed doors.)
I was able to enjoy my evening without stressing about clutter.
We ended the evening outside by the fire pit making s'mores and having a great time. Even after the others left, Paul, my 3 younger girls, and I stayed around the fire. (Hannah was at college Bible Study.)
The girls enjoyed lighting pine cones and sticks, and, for some reason, decided that we should sing Christmas songs. Our family easily falls into the rut of just watching TV, so this was a refreshing change that everyone enjoyed.
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