Thursday, October 10, 2013

I No Longer Have an ALIAS


Day 10 -  I No Longer Have an ALIAS


Yesterday we watched the series finale of Alias with our two oldest daughters. And I'm already missing the characters. We all became so attached to them over over months-long relationship. This is my second time watching the show, and I enjoyed it just as much. In some ways, I enjoyed it more because I was sharing something with my daughters. 

One of the things that make this show so good for me is Sydney's character. Even after facing some horrible situations, she doesn't become hardened or cynical. She still loves, still cares, and still holds out hope for even those people who seem beyond hope. I want to be like that. I want my daughters to be like that. I want to be loving, loyal, just, and hope-filled even when the world around me says those qualities don't make sense.


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