Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Grace of Memorizing God's Word

Day 2 -The Grace of Memorizing God's Word

Since today was the beginning of a new month, it was time to pick a verse for the Siesta Scripture Memory Team.  I find the accountability of having a set time frame for memorizing verses helps me to not put off learning more of God's Word.  (Although, for some reason, I have often had a crazy busy day on the actual dates and posted a day or three late!)

I searched for verses on grace, and this one really resonated with the theme of my 31 Days. I know I must have read these verses before, but they struck me anew today.  I love how John says God gives us grace upon grace through Jesus.  And it's all through His fulness not my own effort!

As I recount my daily grace upon graces, I count the encouragement of Beth Moore to memorize Scripture. And I am especially thankful that this year my eldest daughter is joining me in this journey! It's been great seeing her choose verses that address things she is dealing with and encouraging each other. 


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