Thursday, October 8, 2015

Reading Is Fundamental

Today I was able to spend a few minutes in a place that makes my soul happy. I went to the library. So often, I have other errands to run, so I just drop off what is due and pick up anything on hold. But today I gave myself the gift of browsing the aisles for just a few minutes to find my next read.

I love being among so many books. Some I recognize as old friends. Others hold the promise of new adventures. I almost think reading is one of my basic needs. I know I my soul would wither at least a little if I were not able to regularly spend time reading. 

I try to vary my fiction reading. Now I am reading a Christian YA book that my daughters checked out. When I finish it, I will pick back up with a L.M. Montgomery book on my Kindle. (I was enjoying the book, but one of my girls was tragically bookless, and needed to borrow my Kindle.) And I brought home two books from the library to add to my queue. 

I'm so glad I was able to spend time in a place that makes me feel peaceful and happy even when life is busy.


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